Meet Your Coach
Hi, I’m Lorie, a Certified Professional Coach and HeartMath® Trainer.
I want you to know something:
You are 100% capable of effectively managing your internal states and living a resilient, vibrant and tuned-in life.
Even if you’re high on the sensitivity continuum.
Even if you’ve experienced trauma.
Even if you respond to trauma.
Even if you are a truth-teller or social justice worker.
I help trauma workers learn to embrace and leverage their natural gift of sensitivity so they can live resilient, integrated lives as they continue their crucial work in the world.

I know what it’s like to feel like you’re operating in an environment that wasn’t designed for you.
As a highly sensitive, service-driven person, I’ve been there too. Struggling to reconcile my inner voice with external expectations. Constantly feeling misunderstood and not listened to.
I’ve spent years pushing, overworking, struggling to follow models that never felt authentic to me – doing incredibly fulfilling work, only to come home each night totally depleted.
I got “everything I wanted” professionally but I never felt a sense of belonging where I was. Conventional career advice, stress management techniques and spiritual practices helped in small ways, but they didn’t address the feeling that in order to be successful in the world, I had to compromise or tamp down a part of myself.
A wonderful coach helped me realize that I was misunderstanding the “problem”. I didn’t need to change my lifestyle or find a new career. I needed to reframe my approach to living and interacting with the world.
After years of researching, investigating and experimenting, I found an effective, evidence-based approach that has completely transformed my relationship to myself and the world – and I want to share it with you.
In my coaching and programs, I combine powerful neuroscience principles with the illuminating techniques of HeartMath® to help you understand the ways your body and mind respond to your environment, and to give you tools to manage your internal states more effectively. The result is an ability to leverage your natural gifts of sensitivity and continue your crucial work in the world while maintaining your resilience and emotional health.
My approach is rooted in my decades of experience as a certified professional coach, former nurse, and HeartMath® practitioner, as well as my lifetime as a highly sensitive, service-oriented person.
I have an informed understanding of the interconnectedness between our bodies, hearts and minds, which means my approach is holistic and integrated.

My Life Today
I still have days where the world feels like too much, but not nearly as often, and not nearly as disruptively. Most of the time I feel like a well-integrated, vibrant person, able to go from work to home to playing with my dog feeling fully engaged and present. My capacity for my work has increased significantly and I no longer come home feeling depleted. In short, I finally feel like I am experiencing life fully, not just muscling through.
A Few Fun Facts
I am a science geek, endlessly fascinated by our immense universe. My idea of a dream Sunday is sitting down to a Masterclass taught by Niel Degrasse Tyson.
My friends say I have “jack russell terrier” energy – when I am driven to do something, I cannot be moved off course. (When I say I want people to have all the resilience and capacity to do the work they’re here to do, I mean it!)